☕ Morning fam, The handwriting is on the wall fam. The red wave has already started, by midterms it will be a tsunami. The reversal of Roe v Wade is not bringing the Dem party together, instead it’s threatening to break up the huge intersectional coalition Dems enjoyed and squandered for half a century. It’s time to move on and be proactive instead of being reactive. Biden came into office telling us we were gonna have to deal with hispanics. Republicans will control Congress next year. Dems are lame ducks and there is a very real possibility the reversal of Roe v Wade end the Dem Party as we know it. And judging from the lack of results since Roe that wouldn’t be a bad thing. It would force the creation of a new left. And fam, we need a plan that speaks to our interests based on the new political reality that is being shaped, we need to step into the future and out of this civil rights era mentality that pushes victimhood and exploits our problems, not surivorhood or solving our problems. Black America cannot afford to stay the course. The sky is falling. The ship is sinking. The house is on fire. And nobody is coming to save us. Oh and the clock is ticking.

☕ Morning fam, Shock has turned to anger. The Dem Party is making the same mistake the Democrat machine in St...

☕ Morning fam, Check your feelings at the door. Emotionalism is how we got into this mess, specifically Dems, playing on our emotions. Before you run out there and “answer the call”, think. Think about how we got here. Think about the people that are calling for you to take to the streets, then remember Ferguson… and what we now know to be true…

☕ Morning fam, Check your feelings at the door. Emotionalism is how we got into this mess, specifically Dems...

☕ Morning fam, If rescinding of Roe v Wade taught us anything, it’s how bad Dems have become at politics. Look at all the losses suffered at the hand of a political novice… and today the entire country is going through it because the left is having a temper tantrum and doing everything they told us the right would do in response to losses. And want us, the people they left hanging during covid and threw under the bus to push their handler’s agendas, to take to the streets over an issue that is not top priority for most folks. After pushing a domestic terrorism bill and refunding the police months before Republicans take back Congress. Trust them if you wanna, there are Ferguson protesters still feeling the repercussions, imposed by the very party calling for protesters to take to the streets. Abortion will not save the Dem Party. A new left must emerge.

☕ Morning fam, Roe v Wade. Let’s get into this. Every attempt will be made by white feminists, liberals...