Exclusively for the talented students of Brolic Army DJ School, this competition presents a unique opportunity to showcase your skills. Contestants are challenged to compose a 90-second beat juggle routine, drawing inspiration from the legendary Roc Raida’s “Ugly People Be Quiet” (DJ Cash Money & Marvelous) routine.

Judging Criteria
• TECHNICALITY (what was the overall quality of the routine?).
• PRESENTATION (was the composition composed in a tasteful, structured manner?).
• ORIGINALITY (how inventive are the beat juggle patterns students apply to the song?) are the criteria for picking the best 3 DJs.

Scoring Scale
Very Poor = 1
Poor = 2
Mediocre = 3
Good = 4
Very Good = 5
Outstanding = 6

DJ Shine’s total score is 36.5

Judge: Rob Swift
Technicality: 4
Presentation: 4.5
Originality: 4
Total: 12.5
Raida was known for his incorporation of body tricks into his beat juggles, and I’m sure he’s smiling in heaven at Shines’ performance. Shines, in particular, impressed with a unique variation of Total Eclipse’s “Rolling Fills.” However, there were some challenges in following the pocket of rhythm in her final juggle, which affected the score in the “technicality” category.

Judge: El Jeffe
Technicality: 4
Presentation: 4
Originality: 3.5
Total: 11.5
The rolling fills in the beginning were on point. When the behind the back juggles happened a little fader/timing stuff started happening. I appreciate the overall flow of the set.

Judge: DJ Axis Pro
Technicality: 4
Presentation: 4.5
Originality: 4
Total: 12.5
Great presence and overall set. I really like the rolling fills in the beginning. The body tricks were great. I would have scored higher if the routine was a little cleaner.

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